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Weight Loss With Green Coffee Beans Extract

Scientists have reported a new bright evidence that green or not roasted coffee beans can lead to significant reduction of body weight in a relatively short period of time.

In a study presented at the 243rd National Meeting and exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the largest scientific society in the world, Joe Vinson, Ph.D., and his colleagues described how a group of people who are overweight or obese, consume several grams of green coffee beans daily lost about 10 percent of their body weight.

"Based on our results, taking multiple capsules of green coffee every day - while eating a low-fat, eating a healthy diet and doing regular exercise - it seems safe, effective and inexpensive way to lose weight," Vinson said so at a meeting of ACS which took place in March 2012 at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.

The study involved 16 people who are overweight or obese at the age of 22-26 years who took capsules extract or capsules containing a placebo, an inactive powder, for a total of 22 weeks. All this time alternated dose extract. Low dose consisted of 700 mg of the coffee extract, and the high dose of 1050 mg. This was the so-called "crossover" study, in which people received two doses and placebo, each for six weeks. Such studies have advantages because each person serves as his own "control", increase the chance to get an accurate result.

All participants followed the diet (calories, food eaten, etc.) and exercise throughout the study period. Calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins do not change their ratio in the study.

Participants lost an average of 8 pounds for 22 weeks of the study. It included an average of 10.5 percent, a decrease in total body weight and 16 percent reduction in body fat. Vinson noted that weight loss would be much more intense if the participants do not get along with a large dose of the extract as a low dose and placebo.

Vinson noted that previous studies have shown weight loss with green coffee. But this was the first study, which used more coffee extract and was first measured and recorded for various reactions dose. Based on these studies, Vinson believes that the effect of green coffee beans is probably associated with a substance called chlorogenic acid, which is present in unroasted coffee beans. Chlorogenic acid is destroyed when coffee beans are roasted (usually at a temperature of 464-482 degrees Fahrenheit). Roasting coffee beans gives its distinctive color, aroma and taste. Green coffee beans, in contrast, have little flavor and a slightly bitter taste.
Green Coffee Beans Weight Loss Diet Review